Saint Lukes partners with the Abraham Connection Homeless Shelter in Delta to provide periodic breakfasts and dinners. Contact our office for additional information.
Order of saint luke
OSL A Ministry of Christian Healing
Our Mission: OSL empowers God’s people throughout the world with Jesus’ healing ministry.
We do this by:
1. Training people in the healing ministry of Jesus.
2. Learning to pray for others. 3. Providing opportunities to experience the healing power of Jesus.
4. Empowering members to confidently pray for anyone, anywhere, anytime in the name of Jesus.
Our Core Values:
As members of OSL we value:
1. Personal surrender to Jesus.
2. Christ-like compassion and a joyful obedience to God.
3. Heart-felt worship of God. 4. Openness to the fruits, the gifts, and the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
5. Healing prayer ministry modeled on Jesus’ ministry.
6. Boldness in demonstrating the healing power of Jesus. 7. Forming and joining a healing community.
8. Mutual respect, kindness and courtesy.
Go to:
to access the Online Center for Healing Prayer.
reading ministry
Do you have a flexible schedule? Do you enjoy books and sharing conversation with others? Reading to those in nursing homes and shut-ins may be your calling.