Who We Are

At Saint Luke's we are a small church seeking to serve as a community of God’s people united together in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and called to be His Church for this time and this place. We are part of The Episcopal Church which draws from both the Protestant and Catholic traditions with a time-honored liturgy and holding to the faith delivered to the saints as expressed in the creeds of the early church. Saint Luke’s is a community of caring Christians rooted in God’s Word, focused on the challenges of the present, and hopeful for the future through faith in Christ.

We depend on Supply Priests and here inform all that Rev. Will Fisher will serve on Sunday, February 16, 10:00 a.m. On Sunday, March 30th, Rev. Dr. Lauren Larkin will serve. Rev. Tim Thaden will serve Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 19th, 7 p.m.

A Word and Worship Church

Our Sunday service is generally traditional. The Scriptures and the Sacraments ground us in wisdom and balance. In this ever-changing, fast-paced world, our church gives us a sense of meaning, belonging, and purpose.

An Outreach Church

Outreach is core to our identity. Outreach is assisting others with financial, material, spiritual and emotional aid. We seek to love and serve God by loving and serving those around us. Most of our members are passionately involved in ministering, in a tangible way.

A Welcoming Church

Saint Luke’s seeks to share warmth & friendliness, inspiring worship, and reverence toward God. Join us!